Crystal Energy Therapy

Typically, this is a 1 hour session which begins by realigning your energy conduits which will cleanse and balance all your energy centres/chakras, restoring the natural flow of your energy, and your whole energetic being. Then, a crystal grid is placed around you. Every grid is totally unique and the placement of the crystals, rocks and minerals is totally based on the greatest highest good for your needs in that moment. When the grid is complete you will then relax in your personal crystal vortex for the best amount of time needed for you, and your greatest highest good. Usually about a minimum of 10 minutes or more.

This is a spiritual healing and I am not a medical doctor. You will still follow all the advice of your medical practitioner, it is to help not to replace.

In person or distant session available, contact for more information

Follow the link to book your in person appointment today! Please indicate "Crystal Session" in the session type box. Thank you!

$80.00 30 minute session

$130.00 1 hour session