Do you ever feel blocked from your prosperity and abundance? You may have a knowing or feeling like your prosperity is somewhere, like a buried treasure or something waiting for you if you only knew how to find it.

  • Date:26/10/2024 06:00 PM - 26/10/2024 08:00 PM
  • Location Shea Tree Wellness 1239 Manahan ave, Winnipeg, Manitoba (Map)



Do you ever feel blocked from your prosperity and abundance? You may have a knowing or feeling like your prosperity is somewhere, it's already yours, like a buried treasure or something waiting for you if you only knew how to find it. Is time freedom your goal?

This is not just about money, but instead Wealth in all forms. Time freedom, abundance of all that is good. Now is the time to change your mindset to know the universe is always providing for you. There is never lack of anything.

This isn't going to be a magic act where you wave a magic wand and a bunny pops out of a hat, this will be about learning tools you use to rewire your way of thinking, shift your awareness and see the changes you wish to see in your life! 

Are you curious to see the potential you can unlock within? Are willing to do the inner work it takes to clear these blocks/thought patterns or limiting beliefs that may be holding you back? You will want to apply these mind sets in every aspect of your life!

This Class will include your workbook! This class will offer you tools you need to work through your blocks. $50.00 investment

All classes to follow after will be $20.00, they are optional and are more of a manifestation motivation support group! It will be tailored to the struggles and triumphs of the people going through this journey together!